Differential diagnosis borderline functioning & bipolar spectrum (NPS in collaboration with LPA)
Ms. Lana Toufaili (Licensed Clinical Psychologist, LPA Board Member). The [...]
Ms. Lana Toufaili (Licensed Clinical Psychologist, LPA Board Member). The [...]
Dr. Maral Boyadjiann (Licensed Educational Psychologist, LPA Board Member) & [...]
Dr. Steven Gouveia (Research Fellow in Neuropsychology at the University [...]
Dr. Michel Nawfal (LPA President, Medical Doctor and Clinical Psychologist) [...]
Dr. Fanni Papayianni (Counseling Psychologist) Dr. Papayianni’s talk explored key [...]
Dr. Desiree Azzi (Licensed Clinical Pschologist and Psychoanalyst) This talk [...]
Dr. Patricia Perez (International Psychologist) & Brandon Kerr (Lecturer in [...]
Dr. Rena Subotnik (Research Associate, Academic Talent Development Program, University [...]
Dr. Frank C. Worrell (Past President of the American Psychological [...]
Ms. Christine Derkassian (Board Certified Cognitive Behavior Analyst) This workshop [...]