Take Part in LPA’s Activities


Previous Activities & Events


LPA broadcasts live on Facebook over 7 days

LPA's team took part in a live broadcast on Facebook over 7 days, in a series of interactive seminars covering mental health topics.   LPA's team hosted a 7 day [...]

Infant & Maternal Mental Health

Dr. Patricia Perez, PhD (International Psychologist, Director of Beyond the Baby Blues Organization, Chicago, USA) Dr. Perez’s talk focused on the well-being of children ages 0-3 (infant mental health) and [...]

Personality Disorders – Cluster B Traits

Dr. Lina Ashoury (Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor in Amman, Jordan) Dr. Ashoury’s talk explored the characteristics of variable personality disorders, focusing on Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Histrionic [...]

June 2016: 2 Day Motivational Interviewing Workshop

In June 2016, the LPA held a 2 day training workshop on Motivational interviewing by Dr. Antoine Doueihy. Dr Douaihy is Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine and Medical Director, Addiction [...]